

直接話法と間接話法(肯定文)  間接話法(疑問文)  間接話法(命令/依頼/忠告/提案)  間接話法(感嘆文/祈願文)  間接話法(重文/複数の文)  直接話法と間接話法の問題演習 



重文を間接話法へと転換する場合、and, but の次に、that を記入します。→ and that~, but that~

● She said to me,“I went shopping and bought some fruits.”〔直〕
→ She told me (that) she had gone shopping and (that she) had bought some fruits.〔間〕

どこまでが被伝達部分(toldの目的語)かわかりにくいので、被伝達部分が続くことを示すため、that she を入れます。→この(that she) は、前の節の主語sheと同じなので、省略できます。ただし、thatだけの省略はできません。

● He said,“My uncle has passed away and I have no one to rely on.”〔直〕
→ He said that his uncle had passed away and that he had no one to rely on.〔間〕

被伝達文中で、My uncle と Iとで主語が違うため、that を入れます。



● Mother said to me,“Wash your hand before you eat.”〔直〕
→ Mother told me to wash my hand before I ate.〔間〕

命令文+and [or] S+V~

命令文+and [or] S+V~を「直接話法」から「間接話法」へと転換する場合、まずは、if S+V, S+V~ の形に直して「間接話法」に転換します。

● He said to me,“Work hard, and you will succeed.”〔直〕
→ He said to me, “If you work hard, you will succeed.”〔直〕
→ He told me that if I worked hard I would succeed.〔間〕

※if I worked hard のあとにコンマ(,)を打たない方がベターです。⇒被伝達文がどこまでか、わかりにくいので

● She said to me,“Hurry up, or you can't catch the first train.”〔直〕
→ She said to me, “If you don't hurry up, you can't catch the first train.”〔直〕
→ She told me that if I did't hurry up I couldn't catch the first train.〔間〕



● Father said to him,“Don't be noisy. Your little brother is sleeping.”〔直〕
→ Father told him not to be noisy and explained that his little brother was sleeping.〔間〕

● He said to me,“I called you yesterday. Were you out?”〔直〕
→ He told me (that) he had called me the previous day and asked me if I had been out.〔間〕

間接話法の問題演習 →
