
付加疑問文のまとめと解説 → 付加疑問文の解説

付加疑問文では、主節のS(主語)とV(動詞)に着目しましょう。肯定文→,否定+S、否定文→,肯定+S です。このページの付加疑問文は、中学英語文法の範囲で作成しています。高校受験や英検3級対策としても活用できます。


A.次の文の(  )内から最も適する語を選びましょう。

(1) Mary is a student, (ア doesn't she, イ is she, ウ isn't she) ?

(2) He wasn't studying English, (ア was he, イ wasn't he, ウ does he) ?

(3) You bought the bike, (ア did you, イ don't you, ウ didn't you) ?

(4) Bob didn't go to school, (ア did he, イ didn't he, ウ was he) ?

(5) They can go there, (ア can they, イ can't they, ウ can't you) ?

B.付加疑問文になるように、(  )内に適切な語を入れましょう。

(1) Mike has gone to England, (  )(  ) ?

(2) Taro will play baseball, (  )(  )?

(3) She's read the book, (  )(  ) ?

(4) Let's have a break, (  )(  ) ?

(5) Join us, (  )(  ) ?

C.(  )内の語を並べ替えましょう。

(1) その写真を見せてくれますよね。
 Show me〔the, will, picture, you, ,〕?

(2) そこへ行きましょうか。
 〔there, let’s, shall, we, go, ,〕?

(3) ケイトはテニスをしていませんよね。
 Kate〔she, is, playing, isn't, tennis, ,〕 ?

(4) テーブルの上にコップがありますよね。 (一語追加して)
 There is a cup〔table, the, isn't, on, ,〕?

(5) あなたはロンドンに行ったことがないですよね。 (一語追加して)
 You〔to, you, London, been, never, have, ,〕?


A. 1.ウ isn't she:(Mary)S (is)V なので、否定のisn't+代名詞の sheです。
2.ア was he:He(S) wasn't(V) →, was he?
3.ウ didn't you:You(S) bought(V) →, didn't you?
4.ア did he:Bob(S) didn't go(V) →, did he?
5.イ can't they:They(S) can(V) →, can't they?

B. 1.hasn't he:Mike(S) has gone(V) →, hasn't he?
2.won't he:Taro(S) will play(V) →, won't he?
3.hasn't she:She(S) has read(V) →, hasn't she?
4.shall we:Let's~ →, shall we?
5.will you/won't you:「仲間に入りませんか」命令文で丁寧・婉曲な雰囲気を出すときに付加疑問文にします。 →, will you? あるいは、, won't you? です。ちなみにDon't から始まる禁止の命令文でも , will you?

C. 1.the picture, will you:命令文なので、付加疑問の部分は→, will you?
2.Let's go there, shall we?:Let's で始まる命令文は、付加疑問の部分は→ shall we?
3.isn't playing tennis, is she:Kate(S) isn't playing(V) →, is she?
4.on the table, isn't there:There is ~ の付加疑問文は、~, isn't there?
5.have never been to London, have you ? :never があるので否定文扱いです。付加疑問の部分は肯定形の ~, have you ?

関連ページ: 高校英語文法 | 英検3級 英熟語テスト | 英検3級 英単語テスト |
