



1 (  )内から適当な語を選びましょう。

1. Who is the girl ( play, playing, played ) the piano over there?

2. He has a good camera ( making, make, made ) in Japan.

3. I'm sorry to have kept you ( wait, to wait, waiting ) .

4. They remained ( looking, looked, to look ) at each other.

5. The ground lay ( covering, covered, to cover ) with snow.

6. My mother had Bob ( painted, paint, to paint ) the wall.

7. I had my salary ( raise, raising, raised ) .

8. He stood ( to look, looked, looking ) at the picture.

9. She looked ( surprised, surprising, surprise ) at the news.

10.I saw the dog (swim, to swim, swimming) in the river.

2 (  )内の語を適当な形にしましょう。

1. The boy came ( follow ) by the dog.

2. He had his only son ( kill ).

3. I cannot make myself ( understand ) in French.

4. We got ( excite ) to hear the surprising news.

5. We often hear it ( say ) that the early bird catches the worm.


3 2文がほぼ同じ意味になるように、(  )内に適当な語を入れましょう。

1.I had him repair my watch.
= I (   ) him to repair my watch.

2.I heard her sing the song.
= She was (   )(   ) sing the song.

3.I had him repair my watch.
= I had my watch (   ) by him.

4 (  )内を並び替えましょう。(解答解説は下にあります)

[ name, heard, in, his, calling, the crowd, he, called ].
彼は群衆の中で、自分の名前が呼ばれるのを耳にした。 【1語余分】


[ watched, take, to, a, milk, bottle, he, her, of, ] from a refrigerator.


1 1.playing 2.made 3.waiting 4.looking 5.covered 6.paint 7.raised 8.looking 9.surprised 10.swimming

 3.keep + O + C , OとCは能動関係→現在分詞 4.remained を were に置き換えて意味がつながるように→分詞の叙述用法 5.lay をwas に置き換える 6.使役動詞 have O + C ; OとCは能動関係 7.使役動詞 have O + C ; OとCは受動関係。raise は「~を上げる」 8. stood を was に置き換える 9.looked を was に置き換える 10.知覚動詞 see O+C ; OとCは能動関係で、「~している」

2 1.followed 2.killed 3.understood 4.excited 5.said

 1.came を was に置き換えて考える→分詞の叙述用法 2.使役動詞 have O + C ; OとCは受動関係 3.make oneself understood : 理解してもらう 4.got を were に置き換えて考える 5.知覚動詞 hear O + C ; OとCは受動関係

3 1.got 2.heard to 3.repaired

 1.使役動詞 have O + C は get O + to do とほぼ同じ 2.知覚動詞の受動態は原形不定詞をto 不定詞に 3.使役動詞 have O + C ; OとCは受動関係

4 1. He heard his name called in the crowd.
 [calling 不要 , 知覚動詞 hear O + C ; OとCは受動関係]

 2. He watched her take a bottle of milk.
 [to 不要 , 知覚動詞 watch O + C ; OとCは能動関係。よって原形不定詞] 

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