



/25点満点 【各1点】

1 次のかっこ内から適当な語を選びましょう。

1. [ boiled, boiling ] water. (熱湯)

2. a [ walking, walked ] dictionary. (生き字引)

3. [ surprising, surprised ] story (驚くべき話)

4. [ spoken, speaking ] English (口語英語)

5. [ falling, fallen ] leaves (落ち葉)

6. [ developing, developed ] countries (発展途上国)

7. an [ excited, exciting, ] game (わくわくさせる試合)

8. A [ drowned, drowning ] man will catch at a straw. (溺れる者は藁をもつかむ)

9. The child came [ running, run ] towards us.

10. He stood there [ looked, looking ] out the window.

11. I saw him [ to cross, crossing, crossed ] the street.

12. I heard my name [ calling, called, to call ].

13. The news became [ to know, knowing, known ] to all the students.

14. I had my car [ to repair, repair, repaired ] by him.

 日本語の意味になるように[  ]内を並び替えましょう。(解答は下にあります)

1. [get, you, your bad tooth, pulled, should, pull, ]
あなたは虫歯を抜いてもらうべきだ。 【1語余分な語がある】

3 次の2文がほぼ同じ意味になるように下線部に記入しましょう。(解答は下にあります)

1. When she arrived there, she found a car waiting.
              , she found a car waiting.

2. After we had had dinner, we watched TV.
              , we watched TV.

3. As he didn't know what to do, he did nothing.
              , he did nothing.

4. When I was spoken to in English, I was at a loss.
              , I was at a loss.

5. As my mother was sick, I took care of her.
              , I took care of her.

6. As the sun had set, it became cold.
              , it became cold.

7. Arriving at the station, we found our train gone.
              , we found our train gone.

4 次の独立分詞構文の意味を答えましょう。(解答は下にあります)

1. strictly speaking (   )

2. generally speaking (   )

3. frankly speaking (   )


1 1.boiling 2.walking 3.surprising 4.spoken 5.fallen 6.developing 7.exciting 8.drowning 9.running [came ⇒ was に置き換えてみる] 10.looking [stood ⇒ was に置き換えてみる] 11.crossing [ him と clossing は能動関係] 12.called [name と called は受動関係]  13.known [became ⇒ was に置き換えてみる] 14.repaired [car と repaired は受動関係 ]

2 1. You should get your bad tooth pulled. [pull 余分/ tooth と pulled は受動関係]

3 1. Arriving there, 2. Having had dinner 3. Not knowing what to do 4. Spoken to in English, 5. My mother being sick, 6. The sun having set 7. When we arrived at the station

4 1. 厳密に言えば 2.一般的に言えば 3. 率直に言えば

大学入試の4択問題(分詞①) | 分詞②
